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How To Make PoE Feel Smooth and Upping the Mechanical Skill Ceiling

GGG is able to keep me interested with great communication, game updates, and a core system that is pretty good. 


The following problems have bothered me for quite some time. These are issues other action games, and other action RPGs, specifically have sovled and there is no reason PoE can't, either. With the skill gem adjustment coming I felt this was a great time to address these problems. The interested gamers can poe orbs buy from those professional online gaming houses in the most affordable cost.


1) PoE needs attack animation cancelling.

Most modern games allows the player to bypass some portion of the closing animations for most attacks. PoE feels "clunky" because once any attack starts you are required to watch your character finish before other movement or actions are taken. There are arguments for when to allow animation cancelling. Allowing cancelling during the Time to Live (TTL) phase, or only after the Attack Contact phase is debatable.


2) PoE needs command queuing.

Queuing is the second part of why controls in PoE can feel awful sometimes. This is especially important in online games where pings can fluctuate wildly. Smart command buffering is best. An example of this might be allowing a player to queue an attack into another attack, then into a Leap Slam, but NOT allow a player to queue Leap Slam into Leap Slam. In most cases different skills need to take precedence over the same skills input repeated times.


3) Some defensive skills and buffs need to be non-animation based.

Probably the most obvious of these are Vaal Buffs. Currently the animation is required for any of these skills to begin. However you want to use these skills in the heat of battle where the animation will slow down combat (aka kill you). Making the animation for these skills optional would help game flow.


4) Movement skills need to have priority.

In PoE, like any action RPG, position matters. Players need to be able to move quickly to survive and maximize damage. Currently, if a move command (such as Leap Slam or Whirling Blades) is input after another attack command begins they can simply never happen. This is often dependent on the attack/cast speed of the previous ability. Instead, movement abilities need to cancel attacks and other skills.